Tensions Between Iran and Pakistan: Pakistan demand dialogue diplomacy

 “Recent Tensions Between Iran and Pakistan: What’s Happening and Why It Matters”

Lets understand what’s happening in Iran and Pakistan

In recent days, there has been a lot of news about Iran and Pakistan exchanging missile and drone attacks near their borders. Let’s break down what’s going on and why it’s important.

On Tuesday, Iran used missiles and drones to hit an area in western Pakistan, close to Koh-e-Sabz. In response, on Thursday, Pakistan carried out airstrikes in southeastern Iran near Saravan. Both countries claim they were targeting armed groups they accuse each other of harboring—Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan, and the Balochistan Liberation Army and the Balochistan Liberation Front in Iran.

Why Does It Matter?: This isn’t just a simple disagreement; it involves accusations of supporting armed groups. The situation escalated from occasional border skirmishes to more serious military actions. The international community might find it hard to respond since this area is remote, and the involved terrorist groups are not well-known.

Potential Escalation: The big question is whether these back-and-forth attacks will escalate further. Both Iran and Pakistan have a history of having practical relations, but the involvement of armed groups and other regional pressures make predicting the future uncertain. both the sides claim specially  Iran about the hideouts of terrorist groups which launches attack against  each other.

International Response: The international community obviously exhausted of handling wars . first Russia bombings on Ukraine, Hamas Attacks, Israeli attack on Palestinians and now this Pakistan and Iran’s escalating tentions.  International community   doesn’t have many options rather then  to ease tensions. The United States, despite urging restraint, has limited influence due to recent strained relations with Pakistan. Other countries like Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia could play a role in trying to calm the situation.

 “Recent Iran-Pakistan Actions: Unlikely to Lead to Big Conflict”

  •  Recently, there have been incidents where Iran attacked a region in Pakistan, and Pakistan responded by attacking an area in Iran. Despite some media speculation linking it to other conflicts, these events don’t necessarily mean a bigger Iran-Pakistan conflict is on the horizon. Let’s break down what happened and why it’s not as alarming as it may seem.
  • Iran and Pakistan didn’t target each other directly. Instead, both nations attacked what they see as jihadi forces operating within the other’s territory, which both countries find troublesome. For instance, Pakistan has faced a growing threat from jihadist groups, even though it had supported the Taliban in the past.
  •  Some might even say that by targeting these jihadi forces, Iran and Pakistan have done each other a bit of a favor. It shows they’re both taking action against common threats.
  • In my opinion, it’s unlikely that Iranian and Pakistani forces will engage in a direct conflict. If that were to happen, the United States might face challenges mediating due to its strained relations with Iran. Other powers like China, Russia, and the European Union, which have better relations with both countries, could play a more effective role.
  •  The relationship between Iran and Pakistan has always been delicate and complicated. This recent situation has added strain, but it’s doubtful that it will lead to a direct confrontation between their forces.
  • There are some concerns about why certain groups were allowed to operate in these border regions. Questions arise about whether past alliances or influences played a role. If not handled carefully, these issues could harm the trade relations between Iran and Pakistan, which are significant, especially in terms of energy trade.
  • While the situation is concerning, especially given the history between the two countries, an all-out conflict seems unlikely. The focus should now be on diplomatic efforts to ease tensions and address the complex issues surrounding these recent events.

Pakistan Response: we are peace loving nation and want to resolve issue with dialogue diplomacy

Pakistan, despite the military actions, claims to be a peace-loving nation. The caretaker Prime Minister emphasized the importance of resolving issues with Iran through dialogue and diplomacy. A meeting of the National Security Council praised the military’s response to the violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.

Insurgency and Regional Impact:

The groups targeted by Pakistan have a history of insurgency against the Pakistani state, including attacks on Chinese citizens and projects in Balochistan. Iran, on the other hand, targeted a group, Jaish al Adl, seen as a threat due to its Sunni Islamist leanings. This incident adds to the complexity of ongoing conflicts involving Iranian proxies in places like Yemen and Gaza.

The situation between Iran and Pakistan is complex and could have broader implications. The hope is that both countries can find a way to resolve their differences through dialogue, avoiding further escalation and contributing to regional stability. The international community will be closely watching how events unfold in this remote border region.