Anger of India: against derogatory remark made by minister of Maldives- India run a #Boycott Maldives campaign


PM Modi Lakshadweep

Recently PM Narendra Modi visited Lakshadweep on Thursday  also shared picture his picture on social
media sitting on the beach he interacted with locals and submerged in the
beauty of magnificent views of Lakshadweep – His emphasize during the tour was
about booming the tourism sector. Insist the people to come and visit
Lakshadweep when move for a tour.



Post of Maldivian minister:

After posting his picture on social media Maldivian minister
posted insulting remarks used derogatory words targeting India and PM Modi.

The following were the derogatory comments:

Ø Former deputy speaker of island nation Eva Abdulla
on Sunday passed the comment saying- “shameful and racist”

Ø  The
minister, in his now deleted post, called PM Modi a ‘clown’ and and ‘puppet’
over his recent Lakshadweep visit. Former Maldivian president Mohamed
Nasheed condemned Shiuna’s comments
, emphasizing the importance of
maintaining diplomatic decorum and respect between nations.


Apology by ministers of Maldives:


The ex-speaker apologized to India and requested
Indians to end the boycott campaign against Maldives.

In a talk with NDTV Ms. Abdulla said it is
understandable that Indians are angry and the comments are outrageous indeed.
However the comment are not the reflection of opinion of Maldivian people. I
would like to apologies personally to Indians – she said. They want to maintain
cordial relations with India.

Lakshadweep an
alternative to Maldives:

The problem begin when PM Modi posted videos and
Photos of Lakshadweep where he was seen as relaxing on the beach. And there
comes the insulting jokes made by some Maldivian ministers as Modi’s social
media post prompted the social media users to go for Lakshadweep as an
alternative holiday destination to Maldives.

Boycott Campaign:

How the Indian can sit after receiving such comments
against their PM and as a result people of India began  #BoycottMaldives on social media platforms

The Maldivian MP appealed the Indian people to
end #BoycottMaldives social media campaign after a row began when many Indian
people cancelled their planned holidays to Maldives and several people
including Bollywood stars began to pitch Lakshadweep as an alternative tourist

India Maldives

Maldives is an island nation whose economy largely
depend on tourism sector and Indians are obviously the big market for them.
Indians   usually choose Maldives as their holiday
destination and India have never been a troublesome country for Maldives.

Ms Abdulla reiterated the importance of strong and
peaceful relations with india said our island nation depend on ‘’long
standing ally’’
India for economic gains. And this response of India is not
something Maldivian govt. can take.

Administration of Maldives will take care no such
thing will ever happen against India – she said.